Questions tagged [business-logic]

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45 votes
6 answers

Do stored procedures violate three-tier separation?

Some colleagues of mine have told me that having business logic in stored procedures in the database violates the three-tier separation architecture, since the database belongs to the data layer ...
Tulains Córdova's user avatar
54 votes
3 answers

Where to put business logic in MVC design?

I have created a simple MVC Java application that adds records through data forms to a database. My app collects data, it also validates it and stores it. This is because the data is being sourced ...
BriskLabs Pakistan's user avatar
148 votes
10 answers

How much business logic should the database implement?

I've worked in some projects where most of the business logic was implemented on the database (mostly through stored procedures). On the other side, I've heard from some fellow programmers that this ...
Raphael's user avatar
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79 votes
5 answers

Why put the business logic in the model? What happens when I have multiple types of storage?

I always thought that the business logic has to be in the controller and that the controller, since it is the 'middle' part, stays static and that the model/view have to be capsuled via interfaces. ...
Steffen Winkler's user avatar
54 votes
6 answers

Business logic: Database vs code [duplicate]

I'm a student of systems engineering, and all my teachers and friends (that actually work in the area) say that it is better to have as much logic as possible implemented in the database (queries, ...
Larizza Tueros's user avatar
22 votes
4 answers

Thick models Vs. Business Logic, Where do you draw the distinction?

Today I got into a heated debate with another developer at my organization about where and how to add methods to database mapped classes. We use sqlalchemy, and a major part of the existing code base ...
SingleNegationElimination's user avatar
29 votes
2 answers

How exactly should a CQRS Command be validated and transformed to a domain object?

I have been adapting poor-man's CQRS1 for quite some time now because I love its flexibility to have granular data in one data store, providing great possibilities for analysis and thus increasing ...
Andy's user avatar
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17 votes
6 answers

Representing business rules with exceptions

I know it is expensive but (IMO) I believe it is a very good practice. I'm talking about rules like say, you can't save an Invoice if you are not a sales person... so in that case throwing an ...
sebagomez's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How to educate business managers on the complexity of adding new features? [duplicate]

We maintain a web application for a client who demands that new features be added at a breakneck pace. We've done our best to keep up with their demands, and as a result the code base has grown ...
Derrick Miller's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Business Objects within a Data Access Layer

So I've been creating a data access layer via TDD and have approached somewhat of a concern. I'd rather not start down the wrong path, so I figured I'd ask you guys to see if my thoughts were in line ...
user avatar
11 votes
6 answers

Separation of retrieving data and business objects between DAL and BLL Layers

I did some research before posting this question. Among other questions or post, one of those is provided below. I could not get a clear mind how to determine.. Business Objects within a Data Access ...
ShamirDaj's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What layer to introduce human readable error messages?

One of the things that I have never been happy with on any project I have worked on over the years and have really not been able to resolve myself is exactly at what tier in an application should ...
MrLane's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Can a default value for a business process be set in the database column definition?

The business team in my company has come up with a new field to add to one of our entities. For new instances of this entity, it'll be calculated dynamically, but for previously existing instances, we ...
user3748908's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Where should "query" business logic be placed in Domain-driven design?

System description This is a simple eCommerce application containing a Products inventory managed by an Admin. The Products in inventory/repository will show in the User App. Admin has the ability to ...
Krishnan's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

Rules engine suggestion for hard coded if-then-else

Reposting question as Previous post on same Topic was not clear. Currently our financial application receives multiple feeds in csv format from client, there are usually 100k to 5M rows of data. ...
arun kumar's user avatar