Questions tagged [css]

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language for specifying the layout and presentation in general of markup such as HTML and XML.

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2 answers

Could there be a <flex> tag?

<div> tags are display: block per default. <span> tags are display: inline per default. Could there be a tag that is display: flex per default? I don't mean a class, like bootstrap has. I ...
Lycodo's user avatar
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Using JS and CSS parent selector to replace media queries: is it a good practice?

I really don't like media queries in CSS - they have limitations, and on top of that they make the code a lot more confusing. In addition, the restrictions are so strong that when using CSS ...
GeeWay's user avatar
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2 answers

Hierachy and API design for a CSS-selector-related Python library

I'm writing a Python CSS-selector library that allows one to write these kinds of expressions in Python as a pet project. The goal of the library is to represent selectors in a flat, intuitive and ...
InSync's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Crossbrowser testing FrontEnd apps in 2022

So nowadays, creating js & css that works the same across different browsers is less of an issue as to what it was a few years back. So let's say I have this Vue app that - Has CSS reset Include @...
Haim's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Is the BEM methodology in the large project used correctly

I am creating SCSS for the large project, I decided to use BEM methodology. I will have a lot of containers. I have question about BEM and about best practices. My current code: .footer { &...
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1 answer

Should I use SCSS mixins as shortcuts for default CSS syntax?

This question is mainly about readability and understanding of the code. Im am also in the process of creating a SCSS framework like Compass and Bourbon. I struggle to write SCSS because I like to see ...
Pagel's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Semantic Versioning for CSS

I maintain a CSS framework that is versioning with semantic versioning. What changes to a CSS framework are considered major, minor, and patches? Specifically, what is the "API" of a CSS ...
Kyle Pollard's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Advantages and disadvantages of including JS/CSS inside the HTML?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of including JS/CSS inside the HTML instead of separated files? Specifically concerned about performance issues, for example, if the CSS and JS are small and ...
MauricioRobayo's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Choosing between network optimisation and CPU usage in clientside web development [closed]

I'm working on a CSS library that includes hundreds of selectors and rules for quick templating instead of writing regular CSS. This is used as a replacement of attr() CSS function until it works for ...
Tot's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

doesn't inline-styling represent separation of concerns concept the best way if you think that you're separating the HTML element from other elements?

I know that Inline CSS styling gets so much hate from many developers, and I understand that some of this hate is justified by the following facts: Inline styles increase page size as they don't get ...
Tarek's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Setting width/height of unknown images for lazy loading

I have a site where users upload images & can all be viewed on a single page by other users. I want to lazy load images as the user scrolls instead of loading all initially. This is easy enough, ...
Avery Ferrante's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

How do I set a darker background color on hover *without knowing the original color*?

I've tried everything related to filter and backdrop-filter, but nothing seems to work. I've searched online but not found a single article addressing this (which is odd). I simply want to set the ...
Nafur's user avatar
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1 answer

What are downsides to opening local html files in the browser?

Let's say you have a scenario where you want to build a simple web stack (html/css/js) prototype to share with someone. I am a little unclear on whether or not I want/need to use a small web-server to ...
z0d14c's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

How would you architect a simple cascading style sheet object?

How would you architect a simple cascading stylesheet like inheritance object? For example, I have Apple that extends Fruit. class Fruit { constructor() { = 10; } } ...
1.21 gigawatts's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Why don't web browsers know the physical dimensions of a display?

CSS is a syntax for specifying the appearance of text and other web content, sizes and lengths are defined in pixels, however pixels have different sizes in different devices, this is the most notable ...
TZubiri's user avatar
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-3 votes
3 answers

What are some of the best ways to create single page websites with dynamic content?

I'm expirementing with creating a website as a IT Ticketing system. This website has a top nav and a side nav. I want the content area to change depending on the link clicked. I've managed to get the ...
Jacob Lamattina's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to increase scalability the method that output each file while switching multiple many conditions?

I have a common style (common.scss) and a text direction (RTL, LTR) option file (option-document-direction-rtl.scss, option-document-direction-ltr.scss). And by switching the reading of these files, ...
stealegi's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Inline HTML elements don't allow setting "width" - why is that?

In HTML/CSS, inline elements, such as <span>, do not support explicitly setting their width via the width CSS property. This is confusing to many developers, as questions like "Setting the ...
sleske's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Why isn't React recognizing the CSS file I've linked in Index.html?

I've built a meme generator using React as an early project to master the basics. I have 6 files in my "mememaker" folder on my desktop, which I created using "create-react-app". They include: index....
Tanishq Kumar's user avatar
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Elegant way to prevent global CSS styles from being inherited by views (C#, ASP)

I've been working on a web app that's divided up into different web pages (around 20). It's only used within my company and it looks at financial data. It's a few years old and is in dire need of an ...
Bodrov's user avatar
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-3 votes
3 answers

Repeating CSS class contents. Structuring css code

I'm a backend developer working on a webpage, building the CSS part. I like to write as less code as possible and reuse them throughout the site, a lot of pages. I want to be able to reuse some CSS ...
samceena's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Why create CSS classes named to match one specific style? (non-semantic class names)

There are a number of CSS frameworks that have a one-to-one correspondence between many of the classes and a single style. For example, in basscss ".inline-block" is defined as "display: inline-block;...
James K's user avatar
  • 41
1 vote
2 answers

Is JavaScript added and executed in parsing or in rendering?

As far as I know, each webpage is created in a two stage process, initiated by a webserver request and ended in a webserver response: Parsing: markup (Say HTML) is executed as is, or created by ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Best practices for positioning elements in an HTML-based game

It seems like HTML5 has about a zillion different layouts and methods for positioning divs, few of which seem to work exactly as described in most browsers. Imagine an implementation of, say, Tetris ...
Daniel McLaury's user avatar
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Abstracting a CSS framework in an enterprise web application

Our team is attempting to "modernize" an old ASP.NET Web Forms application. One aspect we want to improve is its visual style as it looks very dated by today's standards. Additionally, its existing ...
Jake Shakesworth's user avatar
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What are the points of apps like Sketch and Photoshop when it comes to Web Development?

This may be an obvious question but I really don't understand this so if someone can help me that'd be great. Basically, I am in the middle of developing an e-commerce app for my database management ...
DylanG1991's user avatar
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ReactJS - proper way to handle a responsive design approach?

I've always used CSS and media queries when it comes to responsive design. I've been developing in ReactJS for a while, but I feel my approach to responsive design is sloppy. I find myself using a mix ...
sme's user avatar
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How to white label my website in php

I have a website that follows the following structure: ... Programmatically we change the logo which is hard-coded in a specific config file for city 1, ...
Dennis's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What are CSS modules? Are they a library, or a spec, or what?

So there are a fair few blog posts about that introduce CSS modules. For example: the official documentation: a post from CSS Tricks: https://css-tricks....
dwjohnston's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a rule of thumb when it comes to the "name" attribute?

Since there is things like BEM in naming conventions for HTML class attributes, does the name attribute have anything of that sort?
ARLCode's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Can everything that CSS Grid or Flex Box do be done with older CSS properties?

Can you do everything that CSS Grid or Flex box does with properties such as display, float, margin, position, overflow, etc ? Edit: See my comment with @PeeyushKushwaha
Norman Potts's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

If either html+css or an image can achieve my desired decoration, which one should I prefer to use?

For example, to create flow indicator like: Step 1 > Step 2 > Step 3 I can either: 1.Use html+css .concave{ border-left:1em solid transparent; border-top:1em solid orange; border-bottom:...
ocomfd's user avatar
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2 answers

CSS Methodologies for a Few Classes

We've been using BEM for several Drupal CMS projects quite successfully. This means we've been following a frontend-first approach where frontend developers specify the HTML, which is then implemented ...
dude's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is CSS inspired from C? [closed]

Maybe I'm not the first to ask this, but I've searched up and down the stack and I am yet to get an answer to my question. I have learnt CSS, and I also have a basic idea of the C programming language....
Kailash Shankar's user avatar
-3 votes
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Is there a best practice for naming class selectors for identification alone

Is there a best practice for naming class selectors for identification alone? For example, for defining a single amount field with action button, we end up creating several div containers and div ...
Teddy's user avatar
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2 answers

Do I need to put a license in my website's HTML and/or CSS?

I am making a website for a competition my school is taking part in, however I am not on the team and am not receiving any compensation (save for better references :P). The only condition I have set ...
DividedByZero's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Using CSS classes to express state

Is it good practice to express the state of an HTML element--such as whether an input's value is valid--using a CSS class? Would it be better practice to use data attributes, the properties of a ...
Allie Fitter's user avatar
-3 votes
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What does it mean by Don't use IDs in selectors? [duplicate]

I was just trying IDs on the CSS tab and I noticed that a little warning sign appeared "Don't use IDs in selectors" Why does the CSS tap recommend me not to use IDs in selectors?. Is there something ...
Raj Patel's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Styling shareable React component?

I've been looking for a good way to style a react component just using css stylesheets. I would have used style-loader, because it's as easy as require('./style.css') and allows to save the final ...
guitarino's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Best Practices For Writing Memory Efficient CSS [closed]

What are some best practices for writing memory-efficient (for the lowest peak memory usage) CSS? I realize this is a broad question, so I have broken it down into two main categories: What are 'do's ...
Jack G's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Add extra HTML classes for frontend-tests?

Imagine a structure like this, a list with products. <div class="container"> <div class="teaser"> <img src="..."> <p>Product 1</p> </div> ...
Daniel W.'s user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How to namespace your CSS?

As far as I know there are two types of CSS namespacing: Prefix one: .myapp-alert {...} and class one: .myapp .alert {...} Which one is preferable? Does one has benefits over the other one? Are ...
Runnick's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

Why does Facebook obfuscate the names of CSS classes?

If you look at the source code of a website such as Facebook, you'll see many classes as such: <div class="_cy6 _2s24"><div class="_4kny"><div class="uiToggle _8-a _1kj2 _4d1i _-57 _5-...
1234567's user avatar
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1 answer

load more and Search Logic

Firstly i hope im in the right place to ask this question. I am building a web page that allows the user to select one image from a set of a 100+. i want to display them 6 at a time and the user ...
Lonergan6275's user avatar
1 vote
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Custom CSS Framework

Context: We're having a ton of super heated debates around the office. I'm just a neutral observer, as this is my first month at my current employer. Previously I haven't ventured outside of the ...
Rohan Büchner's user avatar
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2 answers

Tabular Website Design with Continuously Added Content

I'm currently working on a site for a friend, converting a google sheet to a webpage (to reduce the time it takes to modify the spreadsheets and apply them to all users). One particular page is ...
follmer's user avatar
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React DOM manipulation vs CSS for responsive breakpoints?

Specifically for ReactJS and responsive frameworks that show/hide elements based on width like Bootstrap. Because ReactJS has a virtual DOM I am presuming doing the DOM manipulation is faster and in ...
Archimedes Trajano's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Bootstrap classes in SCSS or HTML?

If I had a development workflow that supports SCSS and uses bootstrap. I can place bootstrap tags two ways... Inside the HTML: <div class="col-sm-3 offset-sm-9 col-xl-1 offset-xl-11"> Part of ...
Archimedes Trajano's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Best practices for front-end project with many views

We are a small front-end dev-team working with 18 months of experience and recently we got in touch with a first major project, ie. a medium complexity back-office web app, but with lots and lots of ...
John's user avatar
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What are security risks of WYSIWYG HTML/CSS/JS editors running as web service?

I am currently implementing WYSIWYG editor that will be available on the web, what are the main security issues I should tackle? The editor currently works that when user is done typing, the text gets ...
user259626's user avatar

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