Questions tagged [indexing]

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50 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between btree and rtree indexing?

I've noticed on MySQLWorkbench that you can choose how to store your indexes before forward engineering your design. The storage types are: BTREE RTREE HASH Researching this, I found some ...
2 votes
2 answers

Do we have 2 logical query processings, one with indexes and one without indexes?

In the book "Inside Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008: T-SQL Programming" the behaviour of a sql query is explained. The following picture is taken from the book. I have some questions about the ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to Structure Search Facets on Dynamic Fields

I am responsible for implementing search functionality for our web application; I take search text from a user and come up with a list of products, score them, and return them to display to the user. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Secondary indexes vs Using elastic search

When does it make sense to put data in elastic search vs creating secondary indexing on Primary datastore? Elastic search with another primary store Pros: Primary datastore can be optimised for read ...
2 votes
3 answers

How to keep track of Indices

I've discovered my biggest issue with practicing interview questions and writing software more generally is keeping track of indices in python, maybe partly because my first two languages were the 1-...
11 votes
2 answers

Is indexing foreign keys a good practice?

Looking at DB tables created by a different developer I have noticed that whenever a table had a forein_key_id field/column, it was always an INDEX/KEY. I am not sure if it was manually created, or ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Database index - Basic understanding

Trying to clarify my knowledge on databases and indexes. I'd like to know how exactly it works. So I have a few questions: When indexing a table over column or set of columns, a new table is created ...
-1 votes
1 answer

A data structure / algorithm to combine search tree and hash table?

I have a two dimensional data with one dimension is ordered and another one is categorical, for example, country and city_age: country age city Italy 2773 Rome Germany 784 Berlin USA 397 New York ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why does SQL Server prefer to order this result set on a nonclustered index rather than the clustered index?

It's common knowledge that the order of records from a simple one-table query is not guaranteed to be in the order of the primary key/clustered index. Adding a simple ORDER BY is no problem of course, ...
-1 votes
2 answers

1D coordinate to 2D coordinates without defining a stride

I'm in a situation that basically boils down to storing values based on 2 ID's. The ID's are sparse, from different ID pools and pretty much unpredictable so the naive approach is to just store the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Alternatives for index arrays

I work on a C++ project where I am not really happy with the data structures. The question isn't that specific to C++, I think that I would face a similar issue in say Java or Python. There are data ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is it ok to use redis scan extensively?

In redis docs, it is stated that keys command should not be used in production, since it blocks other processes while executing, it is better to use scan iteration over all keys with some batch size. ...
-1 votes
5 answers

Why is converting 0-indexed code to 1-indexed code non-trivial?

The disadvantages of 1-indexing are well-known. However, our hand is sometimes forced by our choice of language and we have to convert algorithms that were intended for a 0-indexed language to being 1-...
1 vote
1 answer

Custom File System Index/Cache - How to save index

I've got an extremely oniony(deep) folder structure which contains Appx 1,000,000 text-based files on a network share. Using windows search is extremely slow and unreliable. I've created some text ...
1 vote
2 answers

Dealing with complex uniqueness in MongoDB

I am creating a booking system that will allow users to make a reservations for whole days. When a user wants to initially make a reservation, they select the day(s) and then will have 10 minutes to ...
-3 votes
3 answers

If data is stored in RAM, do we still need index into data?

Is the purpose of the indexing data structures to address the limitations of disks? If data is stored in RAM, do we still need index into data? Thanks. Question comes from Design Data Intensive ...
0 votes
2 answers

Is all permutations of a string a good way to index full text search?

I am writing an application to be used as a local disc documents store similar functionality to Firebase or MongoDB. The gist of how it works is a column hash table. For example: Say I have a user ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why is elastic search popular? [closed]

Elastic search is basically about indexing of data. In database world, Multiple indexes can be created on a MongoDB collection Collection in MongoDB can be schema-less. In MongoDB, BSON encoding ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to build a HAMT with multi-index keys

By that I mean, forming a Hash Array Mapped Trie with 2 or more indexed fields, such as a User model by email and location name, or email + username + last logged in + isActive. Basically any ...
2 votes
4 answers

Algorithm for indexing strings in "list"

Imagine I have file called strings.dat. Inside this file there are a lot of strings, for example: one million. Strings are sorted. Now I want to find a specified string, so I can write method like ...
1 vote
0 answers

Performance impact of JPARepository save() on a large database table with index

We have a few tables with a large amount of data and with indexes on those tables to help in faster retrieval. We are also using Spring Data JPA JpaRepository for adding data to those tables using the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Indexes on a SQL Server fact table

If I have a SQL Server fact table with four dimensions (OrderDate, Customer, Product, Region), my understanding is that it's best to create a non-clustered index per foreign key (dim key column in the ...
5 votes
2 answers

Fast set indexing data structure for superset retrieval

I am given a set of sets: {{a,b}, {a,b,c}, {a,c}, {a,c,f}} I would like to have a data structure to index those sets such that the following "lookup" is executed fast: find all supersets of a given ...
0 votes
1 answer

Limitations of Tries in Comparison to B-Trees for a Database

I am wondering about how range queries work, and the standard solution is to use B+trees. However, I am a fan of tries as a general data structure and would like to know if they (or variations of them)...
8 votes
4 answers

What is the origin of counting from zero in programming languages?

This is a question which I have wondered (and been asked) about for a long time. In (most? all?) programming languages, an index begins at zero for an array, string, etc. I recognize it became ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Which data structure should I use for implementing a code indexer

I need to write a basic code indexer, which needs to be fast. Should I use an embedded SQLite database for this or should rather rely on a custom data structure, or even flat files as used by ctags? ...
36 votes
7 answers

How to quickly search through a very large list of strings / records on a database

I have the following problem: I have a database containing more than 2 million records. Each record has a string field X and I want to display a list of records for which field X contains a certain ...
0 votes
3 answers

Strategy to update search index after fixing index generation

Describing the situation I'm working on an application (based on the Spring Framework) using a search index (lucene if that matters) to make content of that application searchable. Documents are ...
12 votes
5 answers

Quadtree with duplicates

I'm implementing a quadtree. For those who don't know this data structure, I am including the following small description: A Quadtree is a data structure and is in the Euclidean plane what an ...
5 votes
3 answers

Is "Array[1]" the first element or second element in the array?

Following the reading of the question Why are zero-based arrays the norm?, I wonder about the terms to use for referring to specific array elements, in the perspective of linguistic reading of ...
1 vote
1 answer

What is an indexer?

The C# docs have a page on indexers, which appears to use "indexer" to refer to the construct required to enable instances of a class to be accessed via square bracket notation. Indexers allow ...
0 votes
0 answers

Managing an index of file metadata on a network share

What is a good way of setting up a "shared index" of file metadata, when there can be no shared process such as a database server? I'll explain the scenario: A server contains M (say 10000) large ...
3 votes
0 answers

What is a good way to structure a timespan-oriented index?

I'm finishing off work on a complex rule-engine for Hotel Rates with real-time queries. There is a lot of conditions addressing intersections of periods for options, restrictions and policies. All of ...
7 votes
4 answers

Can someone explain the technicalities of MapReduce in layman's terms?

When people talk about MapReduce you think about Google and Hadoop. But what is MapReduce itself? How does it work? I came across this blog post that tries to explain just MapReduce without Hadoop, ...
5 votes
4 answers

Approach for parsing and indexing very large files

I have been tasked with developing a web based (i.e runs in browser) viewer for a proprietary log file. I have no control over the format of the logs, I just consume them. The log file contains ...
1 vote
2 answers

Use (numeric) IDs over names as unique key?

I have a set of data (assume they are objects) with unique immutable names, like this: class Datum { final string name // other fields } Considering that: I don't need to support rename. (...
1 vote
2 answers

Creating a web application with full text search on dynamic data

Even after thorough requirements engineering we end up with users wanting to attach 'notes' to their otherwise well-structured data records, in other words: arbitrary key-value pairs. Their primary ...
2 votes
1 answer

Indexing Algorithm That Avoids Duplicate Lookups On An Uncontrollable Dataset

How to index a massive, randomly selected, uncontrollable, constantantly changing dataset? Imagine you want to index all of the snow particles in a giant snowglobe that is constantly being shaken. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Best Azure Solution for Complex Search Index

I need to perform quick searches against a combination of tags while including date ranges: Example: Users who have requested notifications who did not respond to a notification sent at least 3 ...
3 votes
1 answer

Efficient Value-Lookup in List of k-Tuples

I've encountered a problem in a personal project that I think could be solved by a particular data structure but I'm not sure what. The problem is as follows: Given a set of k-tuples, provide an ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Does sql use hastables for indexes? [closed]

Are there other ways of indexing?, Which are the more used? Does sql have an standard for indexes, it uses hash tables?
0 votes
3 answers

Bits - Least-Significant/Lowest is 0th or 1st; zero or one indexed

Question Is there a rough consensus if the bitmask 0x01 is properly said to have the "zeroth" bit set, or the "first" bit set? If there isn't rough consensus that there's a generally right answer, ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Is there a generally accepted definition of "Secondary Index" independent of DB product? [closed]

Is the definition for "Secondary Index" anything more specific than just "Any index that is not the primary index"? EDIT: Here is some research I have done: Search Google. I evaluated the first 20 ...
1 vote
1 answer

Search by Location and Keywords [closed]

I have data set with ~5M entries/rows (~2GB). Every entry contains a location field (lat/lon coordinate-pair) and n keyword fields (keyword-1, keyword-2, ... keyword-n). The keyword-fields can all ...
25 votes
8 answers

Should my sequential collection start at index 0 or index 1?

I am creating an object model for a device that has multiple channels. The nouns used between the client and I are Channel and ChannelSet. ("Set" isn't semantically accurate, because it's ordered ...
1 vote
0 answers

Saving and retrieving multiple cached json/txt data files

I am working on some numerical programming and need to generate the results for a model given a variety of input parameters. Since the model takes a while to run, I was planning to save the data to ...
2 votes
1 answer

Finding the closest n points to any arbitrary point in two dimensions (r-tree, quadtree, spatial index)

I have a distribution of two dimensional point objects. How is it possible to find the nearest N number of points to any given point without iterating over the entire collection of points (and only ...
12 votes
5 answers

How come the computer doesn't have to read the entire table when the column is indexed? [duplicate]

Let's say a table with two columns has 100 quadrillion records. And I want to find a record that has column #2 equal something. If column #2 is indexed it returns the result immediately, but if it's ...
-1 votes
1 answer

node deep file indexer module cannot go deep [closed]

I'm trying to make a file indexer by node.js. The program is supposed to index files and folders in an array and also check inside folders and add all sub folders and files I wrote: fs.readdir(...
3 votes
2 answers

Efficient range search for pair of numbers

Assume we have large list of pairs: struct {x: double, y: double} pair; vector<pair> What is the most effective way to find all pairs where (x1 < x < x2) AND (y1 < y < y2)? O(n) ...