Questions tagged [project-structure]

Structure of files, folders and repositories used to organize project artifacts

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107 votes
3 answers

Folder-by-type or Folder-by-feature

I make use of an AngularJS style guide. Within this guide there is a style called folder-by-feature, instead of folder-by-type, and I'm actually curious what's the best approach (in this example for ...
Jelle's user avatar
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73 votes
4 answers

What's in the "contrib" folder?

Often open-source software projects have a folder called "contrib". For example, Django has one. What is it for?
Colonel Panic's user avatar
41 votes
3 answers

Should we call Web API from MVC application in same solution?

I am working on a project in MVC that has mobile application so one thing is clear that we have to use Web API so it can used in mobile application. After creating API when we started to develop Web ...
Ruchir Shah's user avatar
29 votes
5 answers

How to properly structure a project in winform?

A while ago I started to create a winform application and at that time it was small and I did not give any thought of how to structure the project. Since then I added additional features as I needed ...
user850010's user avatar
27 votes
5 answers

What's the best way to organize our unit tests

We've built up a substantial number of unit tests for our main program over the years. Several thousand. The problem is that we don't have a clear idea of what tests we have because there are so many. ...
David Thielen's user avatar
26 votes
3 answers

What's the best structure for a repository? [closed]

I've looked into many open source software repositories, and I've found some common elements and somethings people do in different fashion from one another. For example, every repository has a README ...
jpmelos's user avatar
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26 votes
2 answers

What is the best way to structure an Android application?

I am starting a new Android application. What is the best structure to use? I am planning to make it a multi-package design as follows: Main package, including the Activity Service and data layer ...
Basbous's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

C project avoiding naming conflicts

I'm struggling to find pragmatic real-world advice on function naming conventions for a medium sized C library project. My library project is separated into a few modules and submodules with their own ...
Dan Halliday's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

MVVM, DDD, and WPF Layered Application Project Structure Guidance

I am trying to setup my application's structure in VS and I want to "try" and future proof it to a reasonable level. This application will be a WPF re-write of an old Winform app that had followed no ...
Refracted Paladin's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

What use is a Business Logic Layer (BLL)?

In reading up on good practice for database applications I've frequently come across advocates of so-called "business logic layers" and I'm trying to decide if it's best for my project to use one (it'...
Andrew's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

Architecture(structure)-oriented vs. feature-oriented project structure

The project, I have involved, has an architecture-oriented project's file/folder structure: Root |____ Node1 |____ Event Handlers | |___ <all event handlers of project> |...
777's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

best way to install local package into docker image

I have a python package that I wrote and I want to use it within multiple docker builds. However, I can't just install my local package situated outside of Dockerfile folder. And I don't want to ...
Roman's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Suggestions for a GUI library in Haskell [closed]

As the Haskell Wiki itself states: There is a large number of GUI libraries for Haskell. Unfortunately there is no standard one and all are more or less incomplete. In general, low-level veneers ...
Bface's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Separating java projects

I have a large java project, and we use maven for our build cycle. This one project is used extensively - in other projects, in various applications, some of which are contained in it and some which ...
amaidment's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

When it comes to hosting your personal throw-away projects, does one service and project structure stand out? [closed]

I'm looking at Google Code, SourceForge, BitBucket, and GitHub, since they seem to be the big players. Now, I haven't broken down all of the features that they provide yet, but I'm really looking for ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How do I start using Git for differing code bases from different servers?

Background: I've recently inherited a set of projects at my company and I'm trying to sort out some fundamental issues with how they've been handled. Namely, the previous developers (who are no longer ...
user9268966's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Organizing code for iOS app development

I've been developing an app for the iOS platform, and as I've been going along, I've noticed that I've done a terrible job of keeping my files (.h, .m, .mm) organized. Is there any industry standards ...
James Mertz's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

How are large JavaScript applications supposed to be structured?

I've recently been shown some JavaScript plugins written for OBIEE Mobile App Developer, as well as some custom libraries for various projects. Coming from an OOP background, I am a little confused ...
turnip's user avatar
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11 votes
8 answers

Structuring Procedural vs OO code

I have spent the vast majority of my programming career using Java and very OO based C++. I am really interested in learning to think more procedurally, so I have been starting to do some practice ...
JParrilla's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

How can I effectively use one file per class in C++?

Even though I have a decent bit of professional experience with object oriented programming in Java and a basic familiarity with C, I've run into a bit of a mental block with C++ that I was hoping ...
SaxSalute's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Avoid dependency version conflicts?

Any Java project that uses my jar, will almost certainly have an additional dependency on another jar, which my jar also contains as a dependancy. Problem is, that other jar has multiple versions. ...
Dingredient's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Have the unit test "using" the project, or just have same namespace?

Background I am working on a project with C# .NET, and I've just added a new unit test project to my solution in Visual Studio. The way that I always have been doing this is: Create a new unit test ...
Snoop's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Separating front end from back end - Tomcat

I'm currently working with a company that uses Java / Tomcat / Spring for the back end of our web applications. As a front-end developer, I'm feeling more and more strongly that the back end should be ...
StackExchange What The Heck's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What is the correct project file structure for a versioned rest api?

Should I have resource directories inside version directory, like app/ v1/ book/ author/ v2/ author/ or version directories inside resource folder app/ book/ v1/ author/ v1/...
ivan.c's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Project structure: where to put business logic

First of all, I'm not asking where does business logic belong. This has been asked before and most answers I've read agree in that it belongs in the model: Where to put business logic in MVC design? ...
Mister Smith's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Delete unused source code from the repository or keep an archive folder?

At our company, we have a single version control repos with a structure like this: /client1_product /client2_product /... /shared_lib1 /shared_lib2 /... After almost two decades of development, this ...
Hauke's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is it a good idea to share repositories across microservices in Spring Boot Application?

We are migrating a desktop application into web based Spring Boot micro services application with a client imposed mandate of using their existing MySQL database, so all micro services share a common ...
user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What's the best way to handle a large multi-file class in Javascript?

I have a very large class of 59 methods and about 3000 lines of code. I know that's far larger than most people would want, but the class represents a virtual machine, and most of the methods are run ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What is a proper way to structure a Python project consisting of smaller packages that have shared code?

I have been debating this question internally for a few weeks now and I keep coming up short in finding a good answer to the question. I feel an example would be more descriptive than just talking ...
Ziyad Edher's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Plan, Build, Run organization philosophy

I am looking for some logical explanation of how software development fits into a Plan, Build, Run model of an organization. I am struggling to find anything which explains how software development ...
TheNorthWes's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Should a standard include header be specified in each file or as a compiler parameter?

I've got a file such as this: #ifndef STDINCLUDE #define STDINCLUDE #include <memory> #include <stdexcept> #endif I want this file to be included in every header file, because I use ...
Max's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Naming the project containing only interfaces [closed]

I've extracted interfaces from my repository classes, like ICustomerRepository, IProductRepository and so on. The project which contains the repositories is named X.DataAccessLayer. Should I call the ...
user278618's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to structure this program?

I am struggling with the best way to structure a program that I am writing because the method I currently have feels very clunky and each part depends a lot on the others. This is what the program ...
Stuart Leyland-Cole's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Setting up Clojure Project And Sub Projects

This is primarily a lein question about setting up a major project and its sub-projects, and is not intended to be a discussion question. Instead, I am interested in either a pointer to documentation ...
octopusgrabbus's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Front-end structure of large scale Django project [closed]

Few days ago, I started to work in new company. Before me, all front-end and backend code was written by one man. As you know, Django app contains two main directories for front-end: /static - for ...
Saike's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Structure vs. programming

Is it bad that I often find myself spending more time on program structure than actually writing code inside methods? Is this common? I feel I spend more time laying the foundation than actually ...
SomeShinyObject's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to structure many projects that can be versioned and deployed separately

My team is in a situation where we need to create about 30 different processors. By processors I mean code that takes data from a DB and sends it to a remote service somewhere else in the world. They ...
Bob Horn's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Setting up and syncing a developer (local) version and a public version of a website

What is the best and most efficient way to set up two versions of the same website? I want one version that is online and open for everyone to use but I also want a developer version where I can ...
Oskar Persson's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

I have a legacy project that I'm working on, how should I improve its structure?

I have a slightly old PHP project I'm working on for a client (I think it was started around 5 years ago), it makes extensive use of the outmoded mysql_query function, which is concerning not only ...
Sean's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Should I include dependencies for which I have the source as projects in my solution?

We have various projects in source control for web and desktop applications. Invariably, many of them use third-party open source projects or even common libraries within our organization as ...
Sean Hanley's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Elements of structure in a functional program

In object oriented, we have requirements, use cases, and UML which can form a nice conceptual framework. The goal there, is to define objects, their responsibilities, behaviors and communications ...
Benj's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to deal with exceptions in DLLs?

I recently started working on an existing project written in C++ Builder. The application consists of a MainModule that loads lots of modules (DLLs). The MainModule itself is a DLL (there is a small ...
IceCold's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Where do you put the "main function" of a Python app?

Suppose you are developing a Python standalone application (not a library). Would you make it a Python package? Or just files next to each other? If you would make it a package, what would be the "...
Aviv Cohn's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How does one structure an assembly-language project?

So, I'm taking a MIPS course after returning to school; and we're approaching the point where we begin on our final project. I've always been one for large, well-structured projects: lots of ...
ELLIOTTCABLE's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Folder structure for a C project [closed]

I am wondering what is the recommended folder structure for a C project. I read several posts about using src, include, test, build folders. But what if I want to structure the project in modules? ...
Mat.R's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Structuring projects in a solution for interfaces

I had this idea that I would achieve some good automation and separation of concerns as follows: Define an interface, IDataProvider, in a class in a DataMuncher project that needs to both consume and ...
ErikE's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Project structure with git submodules with common dependencies

I have two (and more in the future) Python projects that I'd like to package into a global package in order to import its modules and use them in another external projects in the future. This is how ...
jacosro's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Adding library as dependency only to use one function

Few months ago I started working in a team that develops software using Node.js. Quite often we encounter the problem that has been already solved by someone else and the solution is already available ...
kukis's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

How to prevent in house frameworks and libraries from becoming technical debt

My company develops many relatively small projects that a lot of times do the same things and have a similar structure. (e.g. read/write to a databse, data pre processing, building a query etc.). This ...
krezno's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Creating sub-classes of all external classes

I am in a team developing Android applications in an enterprise corporate .One of team members suggested that we should create our own classes, so extending every classes of UI kit (Material Design). ...
Emre Aktürk's user avatar