Questions tagged [translate]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What's the canonical way to store translations of user data?

I've developed some software that allows my users to attach a blurb to some non-language specific information: Pseudocode model: item(): ID creationdate byline //Only one byline for the object ...
Carlos's user avatar
  • 874
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Compiling data from multiple API sources, multiple languages, into a single database (MySQL or Mongo)

I'm thinking about a database schema, and would really appreciate if some of you could look at where I'm up to and offer some advice.. The mission - We have to write a program that will fetch data ...
Martyn's user avatar
  • 795
-2 votes
2 answers

Translation of a project from one language to another

If I wanted to turn a Java game into Lua, how could I do it? I'm thinking that you could have a program read the assembly language behind two programming languages, find the patterns, attach them to ...
Zachary Johnson's user avatar