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GHP's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 11 months
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1 vote

Handling In-App Credits better approach

3 votes

Should I keep the structure of the API request body same in all cases?

0 votes

Strictly-Typed-Languages: “New”-Design Pattern?

1 vote

When updating a model on a RESTful API, should there be an update endpoint per field? or one endpoint for the model?

0 votes

why and when is queues used in backend architectures?

3 votes

When placing an order in a shop, should a snapshop be taken of the products in an order also?

1 vote

How to design a statically typed REST API client?

1 vote

Design a database with multiple relations and tables

1 vote

How could I optimize an AJAX-based site by avoiding unnecessary/duplicate file-reads for each AJAX call?

0 votes

Simple OO/normalization question - common fields in new table/separate object?

0 votes

How to avoid global mutable variables within a class?

0 votes

ASP.NET MVC - Using Session Variables or Caching to prevent unnecessary calls. Is it a good practice in general?

3 votes

Structuring a db to allow multiple products to hit a select component list

2 votes

How to avoid magic strings when doing Translations

6 votes

How do you normalize coding style among multiple isolated developers?

0 votes

How to Validate a Child Object Based on Parent Object's Data

2 votes

How to GET multiple values from a database while keeping the request asynchronous?

0 votes

How to properly decouple using interface

0 votes

How should I name output variables that are the same as the function?

2 votes

DTO Design in Depth

1 vote

How to Handle Item Prices Change for Reporting

45 votes

Refactoring constructor that has too many parameters

0 votes

Gathering data from JSON fields in a relational database

0 votes

How to handle mapping of generated classes with identical fields?

0 votes

Is it valid to let view models populate their own lists for dropdowns in mvc?

1 vote

Why are there so many frameworks for web development?

0 votes

Could you please recommend an approach on converting non-unique field to a unique field?

4 votes

Why don't languages use the words "and" and "or" instead of "&&" and "||"?

0 votes

How far should I take email address validation when the cost of bad emails is high?

1 vote

C# class naming convention for a single item in the item list