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C. K. Young's user avatar
C. K. Young
  • Member for 13 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
41 votes

What should web programmers know about cryptography?

30 votes

What about LISP, if anything, makes it easier to implement macro systems?

20 votes

Can we use Java for commercial use?

14 votes

In what programming language did "let" first appear?

12 votes

Lisp: Benefits of lists as code over arrays as code?

11 votes

SICP - Why use accumulate with cons when filter already passes back a list

9 votes

Lisp/Clojure: Removing unnecessary parentheses through conventions

6 votes

Scheme Stream Implementation

5 votes

Why is (f . l) not allowed and equal to (apply f l)?

4 votes

What makes Common Lisp "big"?

4 votes

Can't understand example using continuations

3 votes

How do I spot and document a GPL violation?

3 votes

Why it is `(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)))` and not `(cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 nil)))` for [1,2,3]?

1 vote

eBook editions of programming books

1 vote

Is deprecating a real commitment?

1 vote

In what way is JavaScript (ECMAScript) similar to Self and Scheme